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  • Froggy's French Cafe 306 Green Bay Road Highwood, IL, 60040 United States (map)

$120 per person (all inclusive with tax, gratuity)

$30 per person Non Refundable Deposit Required - Non Refundable

Call for Reservation 847 433 7080

The Beckmen Family

Beckmen Vineyards began after Tom and Judy Beckmen left their innovative electronic music company Roland Corp, US to become pioneers of California wine. With the youngest son Steve as Winemaker, and oldest son Jeff joining as Director of Sales later, Beckmen Vineyards is a family owned and operated winery. Since 1994, we’ve established ourselves as a benchmark Santa Barbara County grower and producer. Our consistent quality vintage after vintage keeps us a favorite of critics, tastemakers, and collectors. Our wines have filled the cellars and tables of the country’s finest restaurants and houses (including the White House).

Beckmen wines are crafted almost exclusively from our two vineyards, the Thomas and Judith Beckmen Estate Vineyard in Los Olivos District AVA and Purisima Mountain Vineyard in Ballard Canyon AVA. Farming over 150 acres of vines, we view every vintage as another opportunity to grow our legacy as a world-class winery by creating wines that future generations will enjoy. Currently, we’re proud to be hosting wine lovers seven days a week, providing unforgettable experiences at our beautiful winery and tasting room in the Santa Ynez Valley.

As our name implies, Beck­men Vine­yards con­sists of two sep­a­rate vine­yards, each with vary­ing soils and cli­mates. On the west­ern side of Bal­lard Canyon AVA lies our acclaimed 365 acre (125 acres plant­ed), cer­ti­fied Bio­dy­nam­ic Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard. With peaks reach­ing 1,150 feet, Purisi­ma Moun­tain is a winemaker’s dream, boast­ing almost 500 feet of ele­va­tion change with mul­ti­ple expo­sures across its slopes. 

Purisi­ma Moun­tain Vine­yard is home to a diver­si­ty of grape vari­eties, includ­ing Sauvi­gnon Blanc, Grenache Blanc, Viog­nier, and Chardon­nay, as well as Syrah, Grenache, Mourve­dre, and Counoise. The most unique fea­ture of the site is its lime­stone sub­soil. Lime­stone soils aren’t com­mon­ly found in Cal­i­for­nia, most­ly in cor­ners of the Cen­tral Coast. These soils are prized in regions like Cham­pagne, Bur­gundy, and the South­ern Rhône Val­ley for pro­duc­ing wines with intense fla­vors, great acid­i­ty, and stur­dy structure.

Wine can only be as great as the vine­yard where it begins, and the vine­yards that we farm are tru­ly what sep­a­rate us from oth­er wineries.

The Thomas and Judith Beck­men Estate Vine­yard is 40 acres (25 plant­ed) of rolling hills sit­u­at­ed on the west­ern bor­der of the Los Olivos Dis­trict, sev­er­al miles east of Purisi­ma Moun­tain. Most­ly plant­ed to Caber­net Sauvi­gnon with small amounts of Grenache, Mourve­dre, Mer­lot, and Syrah, this vine­yard has a slight­ly warmer cli­mate and a grave­lly, well-drained soil which allows us to craft wines with a dif­fer­ent pro­file. Tend­ing vines from dor­man­cy through har­vest since 1994, we’ve dis­cov­ered, row by row, the unique soil and micro­cli­mate that best hosts each grape vari­ety, ensur­ing every block in the vine­yard con­sis­tently pro­duces the high­est qual­i­ty fruit pos­si­ble. We can uti­lize each of our vine­yards’ strengths to bal­ance and com­ple­ment each oth­er when blend­ed into wines like Cuvee le Bec or allow them to express their indi­vid­ual per­son­al­i­ties in our range of sin­gle vine­yard wines.

Earlier Event: September 18
Tour de France Wine Dinner